
Creative fundraising is a fun and lucrative way to provide the finer things for your non-profit organization. As part of our Positively Peaceful mindset, Peace Frogs is constantly looking for ways to help our community, both locally and globally. We’ve helped local charities with fundraising for years by creating Peace Frog shirts for them. Now, we want to help your organization, too. You’ll have fun presenting a product people like and your buyers will actually enjoy your product in addition to supporting your cause.

If you’re interested in a custom Peace Frogs shirt for your organization or fundraiser, fill out the application. Let us know why your group is a good fit for Peace Frogs. Tell us what you do, how big you are, where you’re located -all that good stuff.

Minimum orders are 144 pieces. Prices are contingent upon design chosen, # of shirts, and other variables. Please indicate on your application the size of your order, your preference of design and/ or shirt color, and we will give you a quote with our response.

Call 800-447-3223 x 241 or fill out this form and we can answer any questions you might have about the process.