
SKU: test
This is a test product.
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Test Again
Nov 14, 2015  |  By Pat
At the request of the reincarnated Saint Sabbat, the Tanith First-and-Only is summoned to the remote and tactically insignificant world Herodor. The Civitas Beati, a holy city dedicated to the Saint, is under assault from a legion of Blood Pact, led by Enok Innokenti. While the Ghosts prepare to defend the city alongside the local PDF force, Gaunt learns the truth of the situation: the woman posing as the reincarnated Saint is Sanian, an esholi whom the Ghosts encountered on Hagia.

This is another test
Nov 14, 2015  |  By Pat

Nov 14, 2015  |  By Bubba

Dec 18, 2013  |  By test
Owner Response: this is a test of the owner comments

Another test
Jan 20, 2011  |  By test
This is another test of the review product page.

This is a test
Jan 20, 2011  |  By Bubba
test of the product reveiw page